Category: Loves Pets

On 18th June, Hawaiian Shirts Online Will Donate 100% of its Profit for International Surfing Day

Hawaiian Shirts Online will give away 100% of our profits made on Saturday 18th June for International Surfing Day.  If you are a surfing charity and you are in need of additional funds please follow the steps on how to apply mentioned at the bottom of this blog. You can read more about our previous…

On 26th March, Hawaiian Shirts Online Will Donate 100% of its Profit for Prince Kūhiō Day

Hawaiian Shirts Online will give away 100% of our profits made on Saturday 26th March for Prince Kūhiō Day. If you are a non-profit organisation or charity supporting the native Hawaiian community and you are in need of additional funds please follow the steps on how to apply mentioned at the bottom of this blog….

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