Fundraising: Best Retirement Years for Rumple the Snake

Let’s help Rumple, the corn snake with a tough past and a long journey behind him with a fundraising for his new, well deserved vivarium.

Read on to find out his story and learn more about how you can help him!



Rumple Snake Skin has been in Daeno’s Snake Shack’s care for 8 years now. Before that, he was sadly living in an abusive home with 30 other animals. He was kept in a fish tank with another 2 snakes. To top it off, the tank was also used as an ashtray and the owner would put cigarettes out on the snakes. 

His past living conditions have left Rumple with severe scale rot and several burns. Besides this, he was also underweight and dehydrated. He looked like he’s not going to pull through his condition.

But Deano hasn’t given up on him, and he took this poor guy in his care. “It took 4 years of daily treatment and lots of advice from a fantastic vet to get Rumple looking good as he does today!”


DOWNLOAD JPEGWe have made a donation to help Rumple’s caretakers build a final vivarium, so he can live the best life possible.


The center is looking for additional funding to create new custom built enclosures for their animals including Rumple, who surely deserves that after all that he’s been through. 

If you also think that Rumple and his friends at Deano’s Snake Shack deserve a helping hand, take a look to see how can you contribute:

Send us a Hawaiian shirt review with pictures until the end of June – we’ll donate an additional £5 to the center for each review we receive!

Donate directly to Deanos Snake Shack

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Eric the Lizard
Yes that's right... I'm a lizard with a lot of love for all things Hawaiian. On a mission to bring a little colour into your life. Catch my tweets @EricLizard1.

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