Hawaiian Shirt Heroes – May


Hawaiian shirt heroes, wherever you are, welcome to my monthly round-up of Hawaiian shirt rantings. From the truly inspired to the downright crazy, this blog is dedicated to you and your love of all shirts Hawaiian. Enjoy!

– Eric (the Lizard)

May is when the aloha shirt season really starts, which is a excellent reason for celebration. And I’m proud to say that all of you Hawaiian shirt heroes started it off on a high note: with school dances, shopping sprees, great coffee, having fun at work and traveling with style.

You may certainly be this proud when you’re the hero of a bunch of night owls forced to act as early birds. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off for a delicious Coconut Mocha at @carabellocoffee.

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A post shared by Carabello Coffee Company (@carabellocoffee) on May 30, 2019 at 12:27pm PDT

This girl doesn’t let anything get in between her and a good shirt from Goodwill. @chronicallykaylasue, you’ll be my forever hero if you help me find an amazing shirt like yours!

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A post shared by Kayla Sue (@chronicallykaylasue) on May 30, 2019 at 4:59pm PDT

There’s no better way to spice up your school dance than bringing Riccardo the Flamingo along and showing off your swag with some real Hawaiian vibes. Hope you had a great time, @tonydorrian!

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A post shared by Tony Dorrian (@tonydorrian) on May 30, 2019 at 6:49pm PDT

Nothing says ‘travel day’ like wearing Hawaiian shirts on a plane. But don’t let yourself be fooled: the guys at @umichbaseball are not headed for a vacation, but for the win on their next baseball match.

Everyday heroes are the best heroes, especially when twinning with such style – these Area Supervisors sure celebrated Hawaiian Shirt Day with class. Gina, please give Mike and Demetrius a big high five for their dedication!

Well that’s it for this month, guys. The next round-up will be out on Friday, 5th of July.
Can’t wait to report back on what you lovely folks get up to in June.

Don’t forget, if you’ve got a story you’d like me to feature – just let me know!

Until then, heroes… keep it Hawaiian!

For more Hawaiian shirt news check out:

Eric the Lizard
Yes that's right... I'm a lizard with a lot of love for all things Hawaiian. On a mission to bring a little colour into your life. Catch my tweets @EricLizard1.

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